Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pitcher Position

What-up Chi-WAKA,

In-between rounds of flip-cup at the bar last week, a question was raised:  Can the pitcher (person, not beer container) pitch from anywhere on the pitcher's mound?  The answer is no.  The pitching mound is approximately 12 feet from the center of the pitching strip and the pitcher must have one foot on or directly behind the pitching strip when releasing the ball.  So unless the pitcher has some seriously long legs, he should be pretty much in the center of the mound.  What is the penalty you ask?  First infraction (of any position violation) results in a STERN WARNING, and the second infraction results in the runner being awarded first base.

Happy kicking,

Applicable rules:
1.01c The pitching strip is in the center of the diamond, 42 feet 5 1/8 inches or about 14 paces from home plate, and directly aligned with the 1st-3rd base diagonal;
1.01d The pitching mound extends 12 feet from the center of the pitching strip (see Rule 8.02);
8.02 Fielder Positioning. Failure to be properly positioned will result in a Position Warning to the team that
caused the infraction. The team's second and each subsequent Position infraction will result in the kicker being
awarded first base regardless of the outcome of the kick.
8.02b The pitcher must start the act of pitching within the pitching mound and have at least one foot on or directly behind the pitching strip when releasing the ball (see Rules 1.01c and 1.01d). No part of the pitcher’s front foot may be in front of or across the front edge of the pitching strip until the ball is kicked.

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