Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bender Rehab vs One Kick Wonders

After weeks of effortless success and tedious domination, the One Kick Wonders decided to mix things up and play a more challenging game of kickball against Bender Rehab. This week, instead of playing with the standard kickball rules, the One Kick Wonders incorporated a more vigorous set of both physical and mental challenges. Instead of dealing with the monotony of trying to score points and strike the other team out, the objective of this week's game was to see which team could produce the most creative styles of kicking and the most number of variations of team members in the outfield. It was unfortunate that Bender Rehab was not able to adapt to the new rules as quickly as the One Kick Wonders were and failed to offer any sort of convincing competition. Like true artists, the renaissance women and men of the One Kick Wonders will continue to push boundaries and continue the search for a serious opponent.,


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