Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Suck My Kick 2.0 vs. The Miskicks

"The weather was lovely. The birds were chirping, the sun was high (well, until it set, anyway), the fields were dry and thus ripe for the kickballing. Unfortunately, such ample sun has a way of getting in your eyes, which explains why two Miskickers crashed into one another attempting to catch a critical ball during the third inning. I raced home to secure an Ace bandage for Miskicker, Matt, while he took an inning off and our new friend/sub Alex, stepped in. We made it through the game but could not secure the W. After a tough loss and a small injury, we headed to Nick's, ready to compete fiercely at flip cup and defend our honor. 17 games of flip cup later, we finally won something!

Wait, Trendy, did you say 17 games of flip cup later? You didn't win a single game of flip cup until you tried 18 times?
Hey man, there were some close ones in there. And watch out! Now that we've had our off week we're more motivated than ever."


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