Monday, August 27, 2012

Cemento Cruz Azul vs. Lone Wolfpac

Azul took the field on Thursday determing to get a win. They brought out all of the defensive skills that they could and this game was definitely a defensive battle. Neither team wanted the other team to get a run on the board. No matter what Azul did, the Wolfpac shut us down but Azul stood their ground too. No one passed home plate until the 4th quarter when Azul finally scored a run to make the game 1-0. The Wolfpac came back to tie the game however and we went into the 5th inning. Nerves were tense and both teams knew that this could go either either way. Azul was up first and weren't able to score. Then came the Wolfpac, although they tried they were shut down by Azul's 2nd basement Kelley "Stretch Armstrong" Linhart who grabbed that line drive and made the 3rd out preventing the Wolfpac from upping the score. Although it ended in a tie, what a battle it was. Great game by both teams! And Azul even did is all in the theme of the night. Great job!

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