Tuesday, May 1, 2012

CBR vs. Bender Rehab

From the files of:
Some say CBR stands for "Challengers Be Wanted", but isn't it ironic? Firstly, the letters are even the letters for "Challengers Be Wanted", but secondly, CBR requesting challengers is like Stephen Hawking requesting a challenger to an fight-to-the-death MMA fight.

Unfortunately for us, the Bender men were playing like you would expect Hawking to fight, that is, Miserably, with a capital M. No loss, however, because the Bender ladies stepped up to plate, literally, kicking home runs like you wouldn't believe. Even on defense, every ball that went up in the air landed a Bender lady's arms. (That would be outs galore, for those who don't follow kickball rules.) The end score being Bender ladies: 10 CBW: 0.

But there was still this whole nonsense about "Challengers Being Requested". So maybe we thought, CBW is talking about the flip cup challenge. This was not to their luck, either. If you have ever seen a synchronized diving video, watching the Bender line gobble beer and flip cups is very similar. The beer went down, the cups went up, and landed on their plastic little heads faster than you could "Ole" three times in a row. Rumor has it that it was so fast that Bender finished all seven rounds before CBW finished their first three drinks. But in all honesty, no one actually saw it, since it was way too fast for the human eye to process.

Anyways, it was a good game, and we look forward to more upcoming "challenges".

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