- A ball landing, or initially touched, in foul territory is foul.
- A ball rolling into foul territory before reaching 1st or 3rd base is foul.
- Fouls don't count as strikes.
- Four fouls is an out.
- A kick made on or above the knee is foul.
- A ball touched more than once by the kicker is a foul.
- A ball kicked outside the kicking box (like in front of the plate) is a foul.
- A person jumping from fair territory is still in fair territory while in the air.
- All fouls can be caught for an out as long as they don't touch a foreign object such as a fence or tree.
- and Runners can tag up and advance on foul balls until the pitcher gets the ball on the pitcher's mound.
For the applicable rules, see rules 1.04, 9.01, 9.02, 13.01, 13.02 and the kickball.com rules FAQ.
"and Runners can tag up and advance on foul balls until the pitcher gets the ball on the pitcher's mound." ... to clarify you mean, foul balls that have been caught for a out ... great info though!